Ways To Give

You can be a critical part of supporting the One Spark mission.


One Spark is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our charitable registration number is 842867434 RR0001.

Become a One Spark Champion

The cost of one woman having full access to the One Spark resources that will assist her with establishing her own business is $4,000. Any individual, organization, or group that raises or contributes $4,000 or more will be named a One Spark Champion.

If you or your organization would like to make a contribution, please contact

Corrie Schneider, Executive Director
email:       corrie@one-spark.ca
phone:     416.697.0620

Monthly Donor

One of the most impactful ways to support One Spark’s programs is to give a monthly amount to our programs. To become a monthly donor please visit our CanadaHelps page and choose the monthly giving option.

Make a One-Time Donation

A donation of any amount will have critical impact on women that are working towards financial security in order to live lives free of violence. Please consider making a donation in support of our programs and services. Please visit our CanadaHelps page to make a donation.

Donate Laptops

A critical part of the One Spark mission is to ensure that women do not face barriers to financial security. In today's interconnected world, part of that mission involves ensuring women have access to the technology they require. If you are upgrading your computer and have a functioning laptop that you are retiring, please consider donating it to One Spark. If you are a business or corporation, please consider partnering with One Spark to donate out-of-date laptops.

If you would like to make a donation, please click on the "Donate" button on the top of this page. If you prefer to donate offline or would like to support the organization in any other way, please contact the Executive Director by phone at 416.697.0620 or by email at corrie@one-spark.ca.

Thank you for your support!

More than 1.5 million women in Canada live on a low income. Women who leave a partner to raise children on their own are five times more likely to be poor than if they had stayed.

Join Our Team

Do you believe in possibilities?

Our team is dedicated to ending violence against women by providing barrier-free opportunities to generate income.
If you would like to be a part of change, contact us today.

Contact Us